Support the Mission
We believe we are here because of prayer from people just like you! We live according to 1 John 5:14-15, knowing that if we ask of Him anything according to His perfect will, he hears us and answers us! We have seen God do amazing things through prayer and he will continue as we pray together.
Visit the Updates section for weekly prayer needs for our family and mission.
Along with your prayers, many of you have given so generously to help us in this calling. In order to effectively minister and live in Utah, giving from people like you is so important. All giving, both one-time gifts and monthly contributions, is tax-deductible and is collected and dispersed by our sending church, First Baptist Lyman, SC. We appreciate your support and pray that the Spirit breaks your heart for the lost in Utah just as he has ours.
NOTE: By clicking the button below, you will be directed to a Realm secured giving page, hosted by First Baptist Lyman, SC specifically for The Parker’s.